17 Early 90s WCW Stars You Totally Don't Remember

14. Paul Roma

Even though sandwiched between two of the biggest stars in WCW, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson, Paul Roma's tenure as part of The Four Horsemen is regarded as best forgotten - in the history of such a timeless stable, one of wrestling's original heel factions, the name Paul Roma doesn't often come up. Similar to Tom Zenk, Roma was part of a good-looking young duo in the WWF of the 80s. Paired up with Jim Powers and packaged as The Young Stallions, many at the time felt for sure the promotion would try something with Roma as a singles star. It didn't materialise, and instead the man was placed in another team, this time as Power & Glory, with Hercules. Leaving the WWF, Roma must have thought he'd won the lottery upon signing for WCW, being told he'd immediately be thrust into the spotlight as a new member of the Horsemen. Sadly for him, wrestling fans see this incarnation of the infamous group as a low point, and despite winning three Tag Titles during his WCW tenure, Roma was consigned to history in 1995.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.