17 Early 90s WCW Stars You Totally Don't Remember

12. Ice Train

Even though a lot of wrestling fans may not remember him, Harold 'Ice Train' Hogue (pictured above with Teddy Long) was contracted to WCW from 1990 right through to the death of the promotion in 2001. In those 11 years, the creative team really tried to make WCW audiences take him seriously, even giving him shots at the WCW World Title. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlPj1ZK4_bM Remembered more for his tag-team with Scott Norton as Fire & Ice, there are still longtime WCW fans who scarcely recall this giant of a man. He never did win a title, and was never the most watchable in-ring wrestler, but Ice Train sure knew how to keep a job!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.