17 Early 90s WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

5. (Sir) Mo

Bobby Horne was the smaller half of Men on a Mission, alongside Mabel, better known as Viscera, which started in 1993. They were a fun-loving tag team, managed by the rapping Oscar. Men on a Mission even won the Tag Team Titles during a tour of the UK, though the former champs, the Quebecers, won the titles back only two days later, and their reign was never mentioned afterwards. As fan interest waned, the two turned heel, and soon began having more attention on the shows. However, it was clear from the beginning that Mabel was the bigger star, and so plans were changed so push him as a big star. Mabel won the 1995 King of the Ring tournament, established himself as King Mabel, and Mo became Sir Mo, who transitioned into more of a managerial role. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rt2Pk3p9PE After King Mabel€™s push ended, the two parted ways, with Mo leaving the WWF. He would work on the independent scene from 1995 to 2006, including a short, albeit violent feud with Mabel in Memphis Wrestling in 2003.
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Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.