17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Aug 16)

17. This Unique Pin Combination

Riddle AJ Styles

First, here's something you won't see in WWE every week.

Riddle performed a unique small package-style pinning combo on AJ Styles. Seizing the moment, Corey Graves revealed that the move is actually called a "spladle". Jimmy Smith, a former high school amateur wrestler and MMA fighter, confirmed that Graves was spot on.

So, there you go - a "spladle". Who knows if that'll catch on in WWE circles.

16. “Not My Hero”

Nikki A.S.H Not My Hero

Check out the sign that's just visible behind Nikki A.S.H above. It has a crossed out version of her butterfly logo and the message, "Not My Hero" in red next to that. Basically, whomever was holding it doesn't approve of Nikki Cross' new superhero gimmick.

The happy-go-lucky babyface has reportedly been getting booed on house shows too, which is slightly worrying. WWE will lose faith in A.S.H as Raw Women's Champ if people continue dumping all over the character.

15. ‘Crouching’ Kevin Patrick

Riddle Kevin Patrick

Why are WWE's backstage announcers such creepy weirdos?

Kevin Patrick dived in for an opportunistic interview with Riddle following his loss to AJ Styles. KP was crouching down for...some reason, and swooped in like he was scared the dejected goodie might sock him one for asking questions.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.