17 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Aug 16)

14. Charlotte Flair Forgetting Byron Saxton’s Name

Charlotte Flair Byron Saxton

This could've been deliberate, admittedly.

Charlotte Flair called Byron Saxton the wrong name after he asked her a question at the commentary desk - she called him Corey Graves, realised her error, then corrected it by saying, "Oh, I'm sorry Byron!". The apology came across as condescending and sarcastic.

Interestingly enough, Charlotte also said that Corey is her "dad's favourite". Score one for the Ric Flair references despite WWE releasing the 'Nature Boy' recently.

13. Heels Bumping In Heels

Charlotte Flair Rhea Ripley Nikki A.S.H

Flair then bumped like a champ for clotheslines from Rhea Ripley and a few other blows from Nikki A.S.H, and it cannot have been easy to bump and feed wearing those heels. Still, Charlotte threw herself down after each strike like she was wearing traditional wrestling boots.

Yours truly was fearing a sprained ankle here.

12. No, It’s Literally A Sword

Jinder Mahal Veer Shanky Drew McIntyre Sword

WWE's creative team are veering into risqué territory by constantly talking about Drew McIntyre's "massive sword". This week, Jinder Mahal said he gets scared whenever the Scot "pulls out" said "massive sword". Bonus points go to both Veer and Shanky for keeping a straight face after that.

This is classic Vince McMahon humour. It's not difficult to picture him belly laughing at the thought of heels feeling threatened by a babyface's giant manhood.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.