19 Ups & 4 Downs From NJPW G1 Climax 2019
17. A Gentler Schedule
The G1 Climax's grind can be brutal.
While no other tournament provides such a high volume of outstanding matches, that's part of the problem. Watching 5+ shows of breathless action a week is exhausting. Its excess often necessitates a wrestling vacation once it's done, no matter how great the highs.
This year's schedule was met with great relief. NJPW stretched the tournament out, going seven days between the first show in the United States and second in Japan, before settling into a groove that rarely exceeded 3-4 weekly shows. Tired fans were regularly granted two days to ready themselves for the next event. Burnout was alleviated.
From the performer's standpoint, the increased rest time meant less wear and tear, allowing them to work harder far deeper into the tournament. Yes, most of them were almost certainly working hurt by the end, but this is a tough sport and a tough competition. Anything done to ease that should be celebrated.