19 WWE Extras Who Became World Champion

7. CM Punk

Damian Priest

Who could have known that the bloke first seen on WWE TV fanboying over Brock Lesnar backstage in 2003 - alongside the aforementioned Mr. Kennedy - would eventually go on to become one of the most iconic and must-see wrestlers in the history of the business, eh?

But that's precisely what happened following on from CM Punk's first-ever appearance on the sports entertainment product during that 21-year-old edition of the blue show, with the former ROH World Champion eventually lifting WWE, World Heavyweight, and AEW World Championships as the years would roll by.

It's his second cameo appearance before officially arriving on the main roster which most likely remember best, though.

Following on from agreeing to join the biggest wrestling promotion on the planet and threatening to leave ROH with their own top strap, the OVW talent eventually ended up playing one of the gangsters hanging onto the side of a car during then-WWE Champion John Cena's WrestleMania 22 entrance.

Fast forward five years, and Punk would trade the fedora and machine gun for a legendary 'Best in the World' shirt and pipebomb as he collided with Super Cena over the top strap in an all-timer of a main event at Money in the Bank 2011.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...