19 WWE Extras Who Became World Champion

18. Adam Cole

Damian Priest
WWE.com/Sinclair Broadcast Group

Another eventual ROH World Champion whose journey to world title glory involved a brief WWE extra appearance, future Undisputed Era and AEW man Adam Cole showed up in a SmackDown segment which aired on July 2, 2010.

Playing the role of a bloke drinking with the Straight Edge Society's Serena (AEW's own Serena Deeb) in footage which showed her eventually being "saved" by CM Punk, it was actually later revealed that Cole was only given said extra gig as an apology.

You see, originally he'd been sent an email by WWE saying they were so impressed by his work that they wanted to give him a tryout. But as Cole would later reveal to The Wrap, he soon realised that the company had made a mistake, with his itinerary actually containing Xavier Woods' real name of "Austin Watson" and not his own.

Cole's real name is "Austin Jenkins", so it was likely just a case of someone mixing up the last names.

It all worked out, though, with a 19-year-old Cole being over the moon about getting to drink ginger ale on WWE TV with Selena. He didn't do too badly in the years that followed that cameo either...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...