19 WWE Extras Who Became World Champion

15. Keith Lee

Damian Priest

Keith Lee was always an absolute freak of nature who possessed the sort of limitless potential many felt would take him right to the top of the industry. And while he still hasn't quite managed to get his hands on a singles WWE main roster or AEW World Championship yet, the loveable big lad did become NXT's top man in 2020.

A whole decade before that triumphant night at the Great American Bash, though, the eventual NXT Champion was first seen on WWE programming as, you guessed it, a security guard - this time trying to stop Triple H, Shane and Vince McMahon from getting to Randy Orton and the rest of his Legacy squad.

Along with eating a punch from his eventual boss, Lee would also later recall taking a nasty poke to the eye from Shane O'Mac during the brawl. 

Shane McMahon throwing reckless strikes? I'm as shocked as you are.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...