19 WWE Extras Who Became World Champion

14. Lita & Victoria

Damian Priest

WWE was a very different place in 1999-2000... is one way of putting it.

And this could be seen in the fact that there was a bloke walking around by the name of The Godfather who would often be followed around by a "Ho Train".

Sports entertainment, eh.

And among the many attractive women often seen accompanying Charles Wright to the ring were two future Women's World Champions, with both Lita and Victoria starting out life on WWE programming as, well, "hoes".

Lita was the first to appear, hopping on this train on the July 5, 1999 edition of Raw is War, with Victoria later joining the gang at WrestleMania 2000 before eventually becoming the "head ho" and being involved in a "Save the Hoes" campaign.

Most of that was forgotten, though, by the time these two eventual legends were making a name for themselves as some of the strongest workers WWE's women's division had ever seen. And that's probably for the best, really.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...