2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 1 - Results & Review)


2. Wheeler Yuta’s Commentary

Wheeler Yuta AEW Commentary

Time for a little silver lining on the cloud.

The opening eight man was yet another spotty example of matches All Elite books far too often. These bouts rarely leave any openings for someone to shine, which is presumably why Wheeler Yuta was the star of the show and he wasn't even wrestling. Instead, the BCC man was on guest commentary killing it.

Wheeler actually added a lot to the opener. He succinctly explained why he dislikes Hook in the first place, and even critiqued the FTW Champ's decision to take an eye off the ball when pausing during Yuta's entrance. That was a rookie mistake, according to the reigning ROH Pure Champion.

This was all really nice work from Wheeler, because it isn't easy to sell a rivalry that's paper-thin. Further, and this shouldn't be overlooked, most wrestlers sink when they're on guest comms for matches with lots of moving parts. Yuta excelled, and he deserves credit for that.

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AEW Rampage
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