2 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage (Dec 1 - Results & Review)

1. No Continental Classic?

AEW Continental Classic

Was it asking too much to have some Continental Classic integration on Rampage? It felt like a missed opportunity from Tony Khan to skip sticking at least one tournament match on the 'C' show. Sure, it's the 'C' show, but toss it a bone every now and then regardless.

No wonder ratings hit the skids a while back.

Rampage is the kind of show that needs constant validation and a reason to exist every single week. AEW created a round robin tournament with loads of matches, but couldn't be bothered to air some on a program Tony himself hypes as must see on social media.

Again, even one CC match would've done it. Hell, put Daniel Garcia vs. Andrade El Idolo or Claudio Castagnoli vs. Brody King on the card if you don't want to burn a bigger bout like Bryan Danielson vs. Eddie Kingston on Rampage.

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