2 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE WrestleMania SmackDown (April 1)

WrestleMania 38's "go home" stinks; WWE crack controversial jokes; Vince McMahon appears.

Drew McIntyre

The booking for Drew McIntyre's WrestleMania match vs. Happy Corbin has been a worse joke than anything Madcap Moss could come up with. This week, somehow, things got a little bit bleaker - WWE played a game of chance by throwing controversy at the wall in hopes that it might ignite the feud.

It didn't.

Lateness has been a theme for 'Mania 38 overall. Too many of the matches across both cards don't feel worthy of a stage this big, and McIntyre vs. Corbin is one of them. That's not a dig at the performers themselves, because they're trying their best and could still surprise come bell time, but...yeah, Drew deserves better than this.

SmackDown's final stop before Dallas outright failed to hype the weekend ahead. That's unacceptable, because this should've been a preview of chaos to come at AT&T Stadium. Instead, WWE put on a stinker of a two-hour broadcast that bizarrely shone the spotlight on workers who won't even be at WrestleMania.

They phoned it in, basically, and that's just not good enough at this time of year. Apologies in advance for all the negativity, but this wasn't great.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.