2 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE WrestleMania SmackDown (April 1)


6. Another Slap In The Face

Finn Balor Madcap Moss

Finn Bálor must be wondering by now why WWE even bothered to make him United States Champion. Right, here's the deal: Bálor winning that Andre The Giant Memorial trophy wouldn't have been huge news, but it would've been something - a bone tossed by the writers to a hungry dog.

Instead of looking strong though, Finn lost twice in the same episode. He was the last man eliminated by Madcap Moss in the Battle Royal, and then Bálor took the pin from Austin Theory in a hastily-arranged six-man tag later on. He's going exactly nowhere as US Champ, and that stings.

Why do the company book secondary champions this way?

Finn isn't even in the running for a slot on WrestleMania's Kickoff portions either. The Irishman's current role on WWE telly is to hold a belt nobody cares about (including creative) and make others look good. It's rotten, and it needs to change.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.