20 Best Wrestling Ladder Matches Ever

7. Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boys (No Mercy 1999)

Just under a decade earlier, Edge and Jeff Hardy were key components in a match which only served to up the ante on what fans could expect from a Ladder Match. At the No Mercy 1999 show, Edge & Christian emerged victorious over The Hardy Boys in a rousing stunt-show of a performance from both teams, and the rest - as they say - was history. The following night on Monday Night Raw, fans were on their feet applauding both tandems, in one of those beautiful, unscripted moments that only pro wrestling can provide. It all felt like a coming of age for the quartet, and there was only more to come. So, what exactly made the tag-team Ladder Match at No Mercy so special? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xuedq_no-mercy-1999-100-000-ladder-match_sport Truth be told, one of the kindest things that can be said about the match is that it had aged very well. Often when looking back at matches from over 15 years ago, there are things which make fans cringe, or certainly stand out as nuances which might not work today, but Edge & Christian and The Hardy Boys were creating a template for the future with their work, blueprints which deserve to be recognised.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.