20 Best WWE Matches Of 2015

6. John Cena Vs Kevin Owens - Money In The Bank

Kevin Owens versus John Cena in their first match was an instant classic, and their second bout at Money In The Bank wasn't far behind. They fought for twenty minutes, working an impressive pace and hitting numerous major spots. There were kick outs galore, with both the AA and Pop Up Powerbomb only getting two counts. Owens also tried a Death Valley Bomb from the second ropes, while Cena used big moves like the Infrared and Stunner for near falls. In addition to the big moves, there was also submission attempts with Cena's STF, and top rope action with Owens' senton. It had it all. On this occasion, Cena won via a third AA. He then put Owens over by raising his hand after the match, only for K.O to lay him out in classic heel fashion.
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