20 Best WWE Matches Of 2015

5. Roman Reigns Vs Daniel Bryan, Winner Gets WrestleMania Main Event - Fastlane

Daniel Bryan is perhaps the best wrestler on the planet when fully fit, and he put on one of the matches of the year with Roman Reigns at Fastlane. With the WrestleMania 31 main event on the line, both were scrapping like their lives depended on it. There were some really stiff shots, with both men exchanging kicks and forearms in a realistic feeling spat. The technical stuff was also on point, with lots of counters and Bryan repeatedly transitioning into submission spots. But it was always going to be Reigns' night. He impressed with his never say die performance, eventually hitting a spear as Bryan ran in for the running knee. It was twenty of the best in-ring minutes in 2015 and achieved a four and a half star rating in the Wrestling Observer.
WWE Writer

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