20 Best WWE Matches Of 2015

2. Sasha Banks (C) Vs Bayley, NXT Women's Title - NXT Takeover Brooklyn

Sasha Banks and Bayley redefined women's wrestling in 2015. Their match at Takeover Brooklyn was a well paced masterclass in how to tell a story and have an athletic competition. Banks was tremendous in her role as the bully heel, working on Bayley's arm, smashing her hand against the ring steps, and slapping her in a cheap shot. Bayley's selling was brilliant, bringing you into the story of her finally overcoming the bully. She toughed it out and started landing her own attacks. All of this narrative was punctuated with stunning spots like Banks doing a running flip dive to the outside, leaping the referee. Both women used the Bank Statement, transitioning some great wrestling on the mat. The the finish, Bayley hitting Banks with a reverse Frankensteiner off the top rope, then hitting the belly to belly suplex for the pin. It was a stunning way to end eighteen minutes of elite action. The legacy is that it changed women's wrestling and the way fans perceive it, meaning that it will go down in history as something special. It is the best women's match ever seen in WWE and nothing has come close since.
WWE Writer

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