20 Best WWE Matches Of 2015

3. Brock Lesnar (C) Vs Roman Reigns (Vs Seth Rollins), WWE Title Match - WrestleMania 31

In the weeks before this match, nobody expected it to be any good. There was no real desire to see it, with one of the big problems being how predictable it was. Lesnar's contract was expiring and Reigns had been telegraphed as the next guy for months. But low expectations sometimes help a match. That and the fact both men raised their games to levels that went beyond a normal WWE wrestling match. It was special from the get go, with Lesnar dominating Reigns in a brutal fashion. The hits and suplexes had a legitimacy to them that most workers can't emulate. Big credit should go to Reigns, who sold the beating tremendously. Both men ended up bleeding, which also added to the spectacle of it all. And when Seth Rollins then came out to cash in Money In The Bank, it completed what was one of the best plotted matches of all time. Rollins hit the Curb Stomp on Reigns to win the WWE title, in a finish that ranks up there as one of the finest in Mania history.
WWE Writer

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