20 Best WWE Wrestlers Of 2015

4. Brock Lesnar

Last year placed: 10 It is testament to just how damn good Brock Lesnar is that he ranks so highly when only working a part-time schedule. His Royal Rumble match with Seth Rollins and John Cena was breathtaking, while his WrestleMania 31 match with Roman Reigns ranks as one of the most intense 'Mania main events of all time. Both at the Rumble and at 'Mania, his performances resulted in bona fide match of the year contenders. The Rumble match in particular is a hot favourite to be votd best of the year. Having spent the first few months of 2015 as WWE Champion, he then spent the rest of the year battling with old foe The Undertaker. Their SummerSlam match delivered and their Hell In A Cell blowoff was brutal and awesome. All in all, it was a very good year for The Beast Incarnate, as he continues to be the most over and most intense performer on the roster. Highlight of the year: Main eventing WrestleMania 31.
WWE Writer

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