20 Most Cringe-Worthy Gimmicks In WCW History

6. Arachnaman/The Candy Man/B.A./Buzzkill

Few wrestlers had the respect of their peers like Brad Armstrong. The most talented in ring worker in the famous Armstrong wrestling family, he was never able to achieve the notoriety that his father, Bullet Bob and brother, Road Dogg did. When it came down to it, despite being a phenomenal worker, Brad was severely lacking in the charisma department. WCW made several attempts to get Brad over with different gimmicks throughout the years, but they apparently had their heads up their a**es because none of them ever had a chance of catching on. In as ballsy a move as WCW had ever made, they gave Marvel a giant middle finger and dressed him up as Arachnaman, which was totally nothing like Spider-Man, other than that it was exactly like Spider-Man. To the surprise of no one that was nixed rather quickly, despite pleas that Arachnaman was a wholly original idea because he was purple and yellow. Brad also went by The Candyman, in which his gimmick was to smile and give candy to children at ringside. The only thing this act was missing was a dingy white windowless van, and the implied pedophile act didn€™t prove to be his big break either. During the late 90s he changed his name to B.A. and joined up with Master P€™s No Limit Soldiers, because a southern redneck with a mullet fit right in with a crew of gangsta rappers. None of those were as bad as Buzzkill, though. From the genius mind of Vince Russo, his big idea was to take Brad and COMPLETELY COPY his brother. He gave him fake braids and a note for note rip-off of Road Dogg€™s theme music and had Armstrong do his best to be a poor man€™s D-O-double-G. It was embarrassing and an insult to a performer who had given a lot and deserved much better than to be treated as a cheap bootleg version of his brother.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.