20 Dream WWE Matches That Only Happened ONCE!

7. Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan

The Rock Eddie Guerrero WWE

When: WrestleMania XXX

Technically, Triple H and Daniel Bryan "wrestled" the night after their cracker at WrestleMania XXX. Except they didn't. Not really. That match barely got started before various other wrestlers piled in for a brawl and non-finish, which makes 'Mania XXX unique. It was the sole occasion on which these workhorses squared off.

Bryan Danielson will never forget it.

Trips made him look like the man early in the night before Bryan went on to beat both Randy Orton and Batista to claim WWE immortality. Anyone worried Hunter would steal Daniel's spotlight had nothing to fear. 'The Game' was all in on the 'Yes Movement' by that point.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.