20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

4. The Undertaker Is A...Biker?!

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

It's easy to roll with the punches and downplay what risks The Undertaker was taking in 2000 when he morphed from satanic undead overlord into a tobacco-chewing biker in 2000. That was a risk 'The Deadman' was willing to take, 'cause he realised change was needed even if everyone else was blind to that necessity.

'Taker has since lifted the lid on this monumental switch by telling fans on YouTube that countless people behind the scenes told him he should scrap plans and revert to type backstage at Judgment Day 2000. Becoming the 'American Badass' would humanise his character too much, everyone reasoned.

He was having none of it and ploughed ahead anyway.

Humanising The Undertaker actually helped prolong his run, especially during an era that was less-reliant on supernatural shenanigans or cartoonish flair. 'Taker also knew he could always return to his roots eventually, which was a Mensa-level bit of foresight from someone willing to take the plunge most wouldn't.

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Cody Rhodes
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