20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

15. 'Dirty' Dominik Mysterio Goes To Jail

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

Poor little Dom Dom gets hacked to bits on social media.

Fire up your favourite timeline, punch in his name and you're sure to see comments criticising WWE for nepotism and/or Dominik Mysterio himself for daring to have a legendary father. Those cries intensified when Dom and Rey formed a tag-team on TV - people were really rough on Mysterio Jr Jr.

Then, WWE handed Dominik a reprieve. He turned heel on dad, and broke out of Rey's shadow by pretending to be a jailbird who lived the life of a hardened (albeit falsely imprisoned) criminal behind bars. Immediately, Dom had something to hang his hat on in promos, but creative wasn't done yet.

'Dirty' Dominik assumed a significant role in the revamped post-Edge version of Judgment Day, and hasn't looked back since. Yes, the jail time stuff might've been hokey and unbelievable, but it did turn Dom into more than just Rey's gangly kid.

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Cody Rhodes
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