20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

16. Al Snow Gives The World "Head"

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

Many gimmicks from the vaunted 'Attitude Era' seemed like they'd been crafted by a teenage boy playing WWE 2K24's Universe Mode. Take Al Snow; he was a walking punchline who carried a mannequin head that was named after a certain sexual act. Yep, that was it. That was the entire purpose of the "Head" gimmick.

It got over huge. Everybody wanted "Head".

In fairness, Al started this journey in ECW, but that demotion (and it was considered a demotion at the time) proved to be a blessing for the ex-Leif Cassidy. He'd been going nowhere on the WWF main roster, so jetting off to Paul Heyman land for a while worked wonders for his own self-confidence and enabled Snow to get creative.

Al Snow and "Head" was the perfect blend of goofy, sophomoric fun and 'Attitude' raunch people expected back in the late-1990s. Few back then cared to acknowledge it was a genius move from Al to 'learn another hold' outside the WWF bubble, but it definitely was.

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Cody Rhodes
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