20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

12. Heath Slater “Got Kids”!

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

What a trip 2016 was.

WWE brought the brand split back, and Heath Slater teamed with Rhyno to become the least-likely tag-team success in years. Their entire act revolved around Slater moaning that he had to win to feed his kids back home. Oh, Rhyno also adored squeezy cheese from a tube too, for some reason.

Heath would passionately put forward his babyface case in promos as the ex-ECW original munched cheese on crackers and stared down the lens. It was so odd, but people gobbled the twin everyman gimmick up and turned the Slater/Rhyno combo into oddball SmackDown Tag Champs.

The genius here was that Slater, in particular, had been struggling since the Nexus days. 3MB, The Social Outcasts and more weighed him down rather than lifting him up. Who could've known that something so simple as providing for his off-screen children and taking a kicking from Brock Lesnar for trying to do so would get him so over?

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Cody Rhodes
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