20 DUMB WWE Gimmick Changes (That We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS)

11. Chad Gable Wants You To “Shoosh”

Cody Rhodes Stardust Shocked

'Shorty G' was an abomination of an idea that shouldn't have left WWE creative meetings. Ripping the p*ss out of Chad Gable for being eh...roughly the same height as most workers poking fun at his size was a frankly rubbish concept. People were glad to see the back of it.

WWE's next ploy for Chad was to have him head up the heelish Alpha Academy and form a tag-team with Otis. The pair were played for laughs initially - Gable obnoxiously yelled "SHOOSH PLEASE!" at everyone. Folks figured this would burn out and fade away after a few months of on/off TV time.

Not quite.

The "SHOOSH!" thing randomly caught on, and the Academy has grown to add members like Maxxine and Akira Tozawa. Incredibly, Chad also went from going nowhere in a hurry heel to gritty underdog babyface who some would prefer to see wrestle GUNTHER at WrestleMania 40 over Sami Zayn. That's a staggering upturn for Gable's career, all things considered.

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