20 Funniest WWE Moments

15. Y2J Urinates In William Regal's Tea

From 2000-2001, William Regal was an absolute riot in his role as the 'Commissioner' of the World Wrestling Federation. Conducting himself in an extremely mannerly fashion, the persona was perfect for the technical wizard from England, who played the character to the hilt, providing many laughs in the process. One of Regal's most memorable feuds during this time was with Chris Jericho, who wasn't quite the stoic heel that would later be threatened by elderly TV hosts. In 2001, Jericho was the 'Ayatollah Of Rock And Rolla', an upper-card babyface who was proving very popular with fans. In almost a throwback of sorts to McMahon vs. Austin, Regal and Jericho were cast as people with varying personalities, folks who just couldn't get along. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzv5SMlHBUU Doing everything he could to keep the 'scallywag' Jericho in line, Regal asserted his authority over the Canadian any chance he could get, and it made for a number of very good promos between the pair. Sadly, the matches weren't as great as they should have been, but this was off-set by perhaps the most memorable point of the feud. Relieving himself in the authority figure's cup of tea, Jericho was treated to some of the best comedic acting skills ever in WWE, as a repulsed Regal took a sip.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.