20 Game Of Thrones Characters And Their WWE Soulmates

17. Damien Sandow (Podrick Payne)

Yeah, this one doesn't sound like it fits, but bear with it. Now, nobody's going to argue that Damien Sandow and Tyrion Lannister's former squire Podrick Payne look anything alike at all, but they do share a handful of common character traits. Firstly, they're both comic relief sidekicks: Sandow has his impressions, his "stunt double" shtick and his outrageous mic skills, while Pod trades banter with the likes of Tyrion and Brienne, and in his most brilliant moment, was so good in the sack that the prostitutes actually gave him his money back. Most crucially, though, both men have been severely under-estimated, largely due to their stature as sidekicks that nobody really expected much from other than a laugh. Sandow has gotten over surprisingly well with the fans and proven himself more than just a laugh factory (why didn't he win the WrestleMania Battle Royal!?), while Pod unexpectedly saved Tyrion's life during the Battle of the Blackwater, and has generally proven to be more loyal and honourable than 99% of the show's characters. Both deserve more credit than they get, even if each has their own considerable cult fan-base already.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.