20 Greatest Losing Performances At WrestleMania

9. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels €“ WrestleMania 19

I hate to keep going back to matches from WrestleMania 19, but my god was that a great show. Chris Jericho built his career on trying to become the next Shawn Michaels. His original gear was inspired by him and Jericho dreamed of being revered in the same light as The Heartbreak Kid. When Shawn came back from a five year hiatus in 2002, it looked to be a short run. Come WrestleMania season in 2003, HBK was seemingly in full swing. The pairing of old school vs. new school between Michaels and the young Jericho was a dream match we thought we would never see. That night in Seattle, Jericho did his best Shawn Michaels imitation, showing HBK that he knew his every move. Only Shawn had a veteran trick up his sleeve when he surprised Jericho with a pin. Afterward, the two embraced in the middle of the ring in what looked to be a heartfelt moment. As they released, Jericho brought the attention back to himself with a low blow that made every male audience member cringe. Even though he lost, Jericho made sure everyone would know he was the king of the world.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.