20 Greatest Losing Performances At WrestleMania

10. The Rock vs. €œStone Cold€ Steve Austin €“ WrestleMania 17

It took 17 chair shots from Steve Austin to keep The Rock down at Wrestlemania 17. Sit back and think about that for a second. I€™ll wait€ Seriously. 17 chair shots! On top of that, a few Stone Cold Stunners weren€™t even enough. It€™s one of the gutsiest performances in WWE history. The Rock wasn€™t going to give up the WWE Championship that easily. Austin€™s desperation to win even led him to enlisting the help of Mr. McMahon, his arch nemesis. That€™s how hard it was to beat The Rock.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.