20 Greatest Losing Performances At WrestleMania

13. €œMacho Man€ Randy Savage vs. Hulk Hogan €“ WrestleMania 5

Randy Savage is one of only a few wrestlers to hold the WWE Championship from one WrestleMania to the next. After having won a tournament at WrestleMania 4 to capture the vacant title, Savage and his wife Miss Elizabeth befriended former champion Hulk Hogan. The Mega-Powers were unstoppable until they exploded over a misunderstanding involving Liz. Savage was considered the bad guy in the situation and carried his title into WrestleMania 5 against Hogan in Atlantic City. After gaining an advantage by damaging The Hulkster€™s throat, Savage was on pace to retain the title. He even nailed his famous flying elbow from the top rope. Unfortunately for Savage, he wasn€™t ready for Hogan to dig down deep, power his way back, and deliver his Atomic Leg Drop. For aspiring wrestlers who want to know what kind of emotion to show in a loss, they need look no further than Savage€™s selling and reaction after this classic.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.