20 Mind-Blowing Facts About WCW

8. Routinely Booked Advertising For Shows After They'd Aired


Sheer incompetence is something often attributed to WCW behind the scenes. Many wrestling feel that if the company could have kept a clear direction, the talent in front of the camera was good enough to offset any other problems, but there was simply too much going against WCW, it was a disorganised mess of a place at times.

A classic example of this mayhem came from the advertising branch of the company, who were set up for the sole purpose of ensuring that as many people as possible knew when WCW was coming to town, and how they could buy tickets. It's simple advertising, nothing more and nothing less, but even that proved too much for this select band of Mensa wannabes.

On more than one occasion, WCW's advertising crew actually booked and scheduled adverts for Pay-Per-Views and TV shows to run after the event had taken place, rendering them 100% useless. It's this kind of thing which was a complete waste of time, resources and money, doing nothing but making WCW look like clueless clowns.

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Hulk Hogan WCW
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.