20 Mind-Blowing Facts About WCW

5. Vince McMahon Requested Flair vs. Sting On Final Nitro


The final episode of Monday Nitro on March 26, 2001 was an emotional one for many people. Reports have been filed of longtime WCW employees breaking down in tears backstage, fearful of what the future would hold for them. In addition, the wrestlers themselves were on edge, wondering whether or not they'd have a place in Vince McMahon's amalgamated company.

Initially, neither Sting nor Ric Flair were scheduled to wrestle on the show. Both had been nursing various injuries, and weren't really in ideal ring shape, evidenced by the fact that Flair elected to wear a t-shirt for his hastily-booked main event match. According to Flair and Sting, the bout was at the request of Vince McMahon, who informed his son, Shane to let the legends know that he'd like to see them wrestle on Nitro one last time.

This paints a fascinating picture, and shows the respect that McMahon has for both men. Apparently, Vince loved how both men worked together, and felt it would be a fitting closure for WCW flagship program, which is certainly proved to be. It was the best Flair vs. Sting encounter by any means, but it was what fans wanted to see.

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