20 Mind-Blowing Facts About WCW

20. Ran More Free Shows Than Anyone Before TNA


Nowadays, TNA are renowned for the amount of free-to-enter shows they've put on in their history. Remarkably, since forming in 2002, TNA has been around for almost 13 years. WCW, on the other hand, formed in 1988 before going out of business in 2001, a similar time frame. Obviously, the Atlanta-based organisation could trace roots back to the NWA, but the fact remains that WCW as a proper standalone company only really lasted as long as TNA has now, which is an astounding stat.

Before Impact Wrestling were running free shows at a soundstage in Orlando, WCW were doing the same thing in the mid-90's, something which has led to many comparisons between both promotions. As if that wasn't enough, the WCW brain trust elected to put on several big Pay-Per-View events for non-paying audiences.

Shows such as the 1995 edition of Bash At The Beach and Hog/Road Wild were played out in front of large crowds of people who hadn't paid for the privilege to be there. Clearly, whilst this looked cool for the viewer at home and added a unique spin on these events, it wasn't the most clever of moves and would end up costing the company a lot of money.

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Hulk Hogan WCW
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.