20 More Surprising WWE Facts You Probably Didn't Know
3. The British Bulldog’s Middle Name Was Actually ‘Boy’

Ahhh, Davey Boy Smith. For years, I assumed - like most people - that the British Bulldog’s nickname growing up had been ‘Davey Boy’. It’s a very northern English thing to do, after all.
Well, it turns out that the real story is so much better than that. Apparently when Smith was born, his parents were filling out the necessary paperwork to have the sproglet registered as a real, taxpaying human being, and mistook the ‘gender’ space on the form for the ‘middle name’ space, carefully writing in ‘boy’ to be sure that whoever reading the form didn’t automatically assume that ‘David’ was a girl’s name.
And that was it. Legally, from that moment on, Smith The Younger was named Davey Boy Smith. Of course, he or his parents could have had the name legally amended at any point over the years, but it’s also a very northern English thing to decide that you can’t be arsed, because it’s funny.