20 Most Horrifically Stupid Things That Ever Happened In WWE

12. Vince McMahon Says "My Nigga"

This is one of those things that once again Vince McMahon probably thought was funny to him, but when you see it happen you wonder why they would even go that route in a promo. It was Survivor Series 2005 in Detroit and Vince McMahon was shown walking backstage. Vince asked John Cena €œwhat€™s good in the hood€ in a way that shocked Cena because Vince is an older guy. John said something about defending the WWE Title. Then Vince said something surprising: €œKeep it up, my nigga.€ That's right. As Vince walked away, Booker T showed up with his wife Sharmell. It allowed Booker to pause for a moment and utter his catchphrase: €œTell me he didn€™t just say that.€ He sure did. To Vince, it was probably a nothing segment just done as a joke to make people laugh. However, it also upset a lot of people. It's a slang term that Vince didn't say in a derogatory way and it's on a scripted television show, but it was still bizarre for him to even say that. If you're wondering, the line by McMahon is still a part of the broadcast on WWE Network. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtAJqeTpDis
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.