20 Most Horrifically Stupid Things That Ever Happened In WWE

11. Heidenreich Gets Too Close To Michael Cole

When something gets renamed to the "Heidenrape of Michael Cole" on the internet then you know it's really bad. Heidenreich was a creepy guy that read poems as a way to scare people, so apparently WWE thought it would be a great idea to have him scare Smackdown's main announcer Michael Cole. Heidenreich did a promo with Cole pressed up against the door. He said now that he's got him alone he's going to give him what he wants. Then he had his hand around his throat and said he wanted to share something with him. Heidenreich went on to read about a poem about how Cole should fear him because he's misunderstood. This segment took place over 10 years ago, yet most wrestling fans will remember it because of how awful it was. Following a lot of heavy breathing, Heidenreich unlocked the door and made Cole thank him. It was such a bizarre way of trying to get heat for a heel character like Heidenreich. https://youtu.be/aEK80zqUXWQ Years later, Heidenreich did an interview about it saying that Stephanie McMahon presented the idea to him and he went along with it. He commented this way: "I'm just happy I was doing the raping and not getting raped." At least he was happy about it. We found one person that was.
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Paul Bearer
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.