20 Most Horrifically Stupid Things That Ever Happened In WWE

7. Hornswoggle Revealed As Vince McMahon's Son

The mid-2000s were filled with wacky angles involving Vince McMahon because he felt the need to do something big usually in the summer time. In the summer of 2007, it was revealed that Vince McMahon had an illegitimate son. Of course, we also found out that the son worked for him because that's a convenient WWE story. They went through all kinds of possibilities and then it was revealed that the son was Hornswoggle. A lot of people laughed at the obvious comedy storyline while others ripped WWE for wasting so much time for a meaningless story. Ken Kennedy was going to be revealed as the son (Kennedy is Vince's middle name), but he ended up being suspended due to a Wellness Policy violation, so they opted for the joke route. If it was Kennedy, he would have been elevated to the role of a top heel in the company that could have been a World Champion. Instead, he didn't come close. Once the angle turned out to be a major flop, they tried to backtrack on it by saying all of this was some master plan put on by Finlay, who became the storyline dad of Hornswoggle. Then JBL feuded with Finlay on Vince's behalf. The moral of the story apparently is that Finlay is some genius mastermind that loves to fight too.
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Paul Bearer
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.