20 Most Horrifically Stupid Things That Ever Happened In WWE

6. Big Boss Man Hanging WrestleMania 15

It's probably the worst Hell in a Cell match in the history of WWE because when The Undertaker faced the Big Boss Man there was no doubt who was going to win. Undertaker was a huge star while Boss Man was just a midcarder. Plus, both guys were pretty much heels by that point and there wasn't much of a rivalry, so putting them in the cell was pointless. Undertaker won easily in about 10 minutes. After the match, Undertaker signaled for Gangrel, Edge & Christian (the three members of the Brood) to drop down from the roof. They tried to rip their way into the top of the cell. They passed Undertaker a noose and then they raised up to the top of the building again. Undertaker put the noose on Boss Man€™s neck. Bearer pushed the button so the cell would rise up. As the cell went up, Boss Man tried to fight it and he ended up being hung from the cell. His body went limp and the lights went out. The man was hanging by a rope and they just cut away like it was nothing. Then they didn't even really explain what happened to the guy. Obviously he was let loose because the show continued, but why in the world would you do such a thing in the first place? It was a way to put over how Undertaker was becoming a demonic heel, but it was done in a very stupid manner.
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Paul Bearer
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.