20 Most Iconic WWE Wrestlers Of All Time

8. John Cena

Whether you've 'Cena 'nuff' or not, John Cena has been the undisputed face of the WWE for the last 10 years. When wrestling historians look back at these years, the face that instantly comes to mind will be the one-time Doctor of Thuganomics. But Cena is an icon for more than just simply being 'the guy'. Cementing Cena's legacy and legend is the work he does outside of the ring. In the ring? On his day he can be good when with the right opponent. Outside of the ring? This is the man who absolutely busts his tail with media tours and press events, and someone who is massively involved in charity work and has set records for the fantastic work he does with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Cena's work rate and drive is simply unmatched. In fairness, when looking back at Cena's career after he's hung up his jorts, many will realise that maybe he was a little underrated when it comes to in-ring work. Now if only he could call his spots a little quieter from time to time... Simply put, John Cena is this generation's Hulk Hogan or Bruno Sammartino. You may not like him, but his place in history is already set as a legend of the modern wrestling world.
Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.