20 Most Infamous Real Life Wrestling Fights Of All Time

6. Sid Vicious Vs. Arn Anderson (1993)


Following a WCW event in Cardiff, Wales, the crew began the evening€™'s frivolity before they even made it to the bar of their Blackburn hotel, enjoying a beer or ten on the bus ride from the venue.

Fairly soon, inhibitions were lowered and some of the boys began to rub each other the wrong way. In particular, Sid Vicious was irritating Arn Anderson with his constant talk of being the future of the company and Eric Bischoff'€™s next superstar. Anderson was especially piqued when Sid told him, €œ"You guys (meaning Anderson and Flair) should retire so we can do business.€"

Once they reached the hotel, Anderson snapped, first telling Sid that he had never drawn a house in his life then barking, €œ"If you weren€™'t so juiced maybe you could work a decent match."€ Sid motioned as if he was going to punch Anderson, so the veteran Horseman responded by throwing his drink at Vicious'€™ head, and threatening to cut him with a beer bottle.

Sid simmered over the incident for a while then decided to exact revenge. He banged hard on Anderson€™'s hotel room door and yelled at him to come out. The result was an altercation in which a pair of scissors were brought into play. After a tussle, Sid gained possession of the scissors and started stabbing Anderson repeatedly in the back. €œ"You'€™re killing me,€" he gasped, before passing out.

The story made the national press in the UK and soon traveled across the Atlantic. When Bischoff learned what had happened, he fired Sid and was forced to come up with a new idea for that year€™'s Starrcade pay-per-view - the event where Sid would have otherwise ascended to the WCW throne.

Winner: Sid won the fight, but Anderson had the last laugh because Sid was fired


The author of the highly acclaimed 'Titan' book series, James Dixon has been involved in the wrestling business for 25 years as a fan, wrestler, promoter, agent, and writer. James spent several years wrestling on the British independent circuit, but now prefers to write about the bumps and bruises rather than take any of them. His past in-ring experience does however give a uniquely more "insider" perspective on things, though he readily admits to still being a "mark" at heart. James is the Chief Editor and writer at historyofwrestling.co.uk and is responsible for the best-selling titles Titan Sinking, Titan Shattered, and Titan Screwed, as well as the Complete WWF Video Guide series, and the Raw Files series.