20 Most RANDOM WWE Royal Rumble Entrants
19. Mabel (1999)

It's absolutely unacceptable that Headbanger Mosh's hopes and aspirations of headlining WrestleMania XV were ruined by clumsy git Mabel returning to the WWF during 1999's match. The ex-King Of The Ring attacked Mosh behind the curtain, then replaced him in the match before anyone could argue with it. Just as well, because he'd only have shattered their orbital bone for daring to try.
OK, maybe that's harsh, but the roster surely feared more Mabel-inspired carnage if he was getting another full-on run with the company. That was the plan, albeit not as Mabel. The big man was quickly abducted by members of The Undertaker's Ministry Of Darkness stable, then got repackaged as Viscera shortly afterwards. In total, he went less than 90 seconds in one of the worst Rumbles ever.
90 seconds of that when the WWF could've had a Mosh main event push. Their loss.
Seriously though, this was hellish and unexpected going into the pay-per-view. Mabel hadn't been seen on telly since working a one-shot match vs. Ken Shamrock in July 1998, and he hadn't been a full-timer with the promotion since 1996. All eyes were on the drama between Steve Austin and Vince McMahon in 1999, so no one stopped to think a wrecking ball like Mabel was on the comeback trail.
Being honest, joining 'Taker's ranks did work out for Viscera. He embraced the role, and managed to squeeze another stint out of that character by tweaking it into the 'World's Largest Love Machine'. Unlike many others in WWE's past and future, that gimmick tweak didn't end in disaster for him.