20 Reasons Why WWE WrestleMania 39 Absolutely RULED

18. Brock Doesn't Go Rogue

Roman Reigns

The pure existence of WrestleMania 39's Brock Lesnar vs. Omos match graphic drove mobs of despondent WWE devotees to social media, inquiring why, exactly, Omos was the chosen opponent for Brock. Lesnar, a man coupled with leviathan 'Mania matches his entire career, headlined last year's 'Show of Shows', leading many to ponder that, as per reports, he indeed was leaving the company and would be putting the colossal Omos over on his way out.

That was far from the truth, however, as Brock and Omos delivered a solid night two opener that strayed from the habitual Brock Lesnar match. 'The Beast' sold for Omos, treating each slam and each strike like a cannibalistic attempt on his life.

It's scarce when such an event happens when Lesnar is on the disadvantageous side of a match - he'll typically go into business for himself or politic his way out behind the scenes - so Brock doing good by Omos, as he has through this whole saga, was refreshing.


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