20 Stupidest Products WCW Ever Licensed

7. This Goldberg Mask

Wrestlers€™ masks are an absolute goldmine for merchandise sales. You only need to look at why WWE are so desperate to keep Rey Mysterio on board €“ his mask is lapped up by the thousands. So a Goldberg mask in 1998 should have made perfect sense and should have been high up on every youngster€™s Christmas list that year. Naturally of course WCW answered with this monstrosity. What is happening here is not entirely clear. Based on the appearance of the mask there are a few likely scenarios: Goldberg is screaming from the entrance ramp after pyro; Goldberg is caught in the sharp shooter; Goldberg has stubbed his toe on the corner of the doorway; Goldberg is stuck in the fast lane behind a slow car; or Goldberg is having a particularly thunderous orgasm. Any of these situations make sense when you look at the horrendous facials he is pulling here. Whoever green lighted this garbage must have been out the door anyway and thought he€™d play one last prank on the youngsters enamoured with Billy G. The fact that the mask has closed eyes doesn€™t exactly bode well for the young victim unlucky enough to have been gifted this mask, and the fact that they have moulded it based on a moment when Goldberg has his head tipped back screaming at the heavens doesn€™t exactly seem like the most comfortable of choices. Also, why does Goldberg have such tiny teeth? Are the backstage politics of WCW stressing him out to the point where he has ground them to a nub?
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