20 Stupidest Products WCW Ever Licensed

5. WCW Valentines Cards

Another one from the €˜this product was such a failure that you can still buy the leftovers in 2014€™ file, we bring to you the most romantic product on this list €“ a pack of 32(!) WCW Valentine cards. Why are there 32 you ask? That€™s a good question. We can only assume that someone who is bold enough to give somebody a Valentines card adorned with Bret Hart, DDP, or Raven (that notoriously romantic old rogue), is probably not going to be too successful in the wooing department, and might need a few goes at it. There are only three of these left in stock at Amazon, so make sure to get yours before February rolls around.
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.