20 Stupidest Products WCW Ever Licensed

1. Ready To Rumble

A lot has already been written over the years about the 2000 travesty to celluloid that is Ready to Rumble, but there is good reason for that. Even if you ignore the fact that the film is about as funny as diabetes, the lack of foresight and vision shown by WCW in making this horrendous train wreck is mind blowing, and its current 23% rating on Rotten Tomatoes is extraordinarily generous, given just how woeful this film is. Ready to Rumble was aimed towards wrestling fans and was aimed at trying to get them in the struggling WCW product again. To do this the film writers decided to portray wrestling fans as the lowest common denominator. The main characters Gordie and Sean are so infantile in their stupidity, they are rendered completely charmless and unlikeable. They also work in sewerage pumping so literally are awash in poop and human waste. They also believe (despite being grown men) that wrestling is 100% real, and their happiness seems to be only shaped by the results of battle their favourite wrestler, Jimmy King. So they€™re not just stupid, they have completely meaningless and empty lives too. Oh and it should be noted that despite being the World Champion on multiple occasions, Jimmy King lives in a trailer surrounded in his own filth, and appears to have not a cent to his name. Somehow a combination of zero laughs, atrocious acting, and a message from the film makers that their core audience were redneck morons, didn€™t make the film all that appealing to wrestling fans. With a budget of 24 million dollars, and a worldwide gross of half of that, it€™s safe to say that Ready to Rumble was one of the greatest licensing miscalculations in the company€™s long catalogue of failures. Oh, and this movie also led to that little incident where David Arquette became champ. So...there's that little nugget too.
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.