20 Things We Learned From Joe Rogan's Podcast Interview With Jake Roberts

9. When Roddy Piper Died He Cursed God For Not Taking Him

Roddy Piper

If it hasn't become clear already from the first half of entries on this list, Jake Roberts faced a tough childhood and fought addictions as an adult. It's hard to watch his eyes waver as he recounts trying to take his own life then cursing himself for failing. It's even more disturbing that Roddy Piper had something to do with it.

Indirectly, at least.

In one of the interviews most bleak moments, Roberts recalls hearing the news that Piper had passed away in 2015. At a low ebb and drowning in a sea of his own misery, Jake verbally lambasted God for taking his friend, then wished it had been him instead. Selfishly, he wanted to go so his own pain would end.

Around the same time, Roberts took 100 Valium pills and went to sleep thinking he'd never wake up. When he did and only puked all over himself, Jake again angrily cursed out loud, calling himself a loser for being unable to die. That's horrible, and it's further prove of how bad a state his life was in.

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Jake Roberts
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