20 Things We Learned From Joe Rogan's Podcast Interview With Jake Roberts

6. He Wouldn't Dare Go To The Toilet Around The Snake

Jake Roberts Snake

Damien, Revelations (the Burmese Pythons Jake used during his WWF return in 1996-1997) and all the other reptiles lived a pretty miserable life on the road. Roberts didn't feed them for the 10-day stretch he carried them around, largely because they didn't need to eat more than once every couple of weeks.

When he got back to each hotel room post-show, Jake would fill up the bath with a little water, plop the snake in there and then forget his room even had a bathroom. Why? Well, he didn't much fancy a cobra making his penis lunch.

One time, Jake stumbled into the room to relieve himself and spotted the snake rising up with its beady eyes fixed on his junk. Right there and then, he elected to put a bucket in his room for sh*tting and promise himself he'd hold in his pee or do it in a nearby bottle.

Jake was so afraid that the predators might lunge for his d*ck that the bathroom became a no-go area for good, and it was something he'd warn guests drinking in his room about too.

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Jake Roberts
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