20 Things We Need To See From Lucha Underground Season 2

11. More Crossover With AAA

el mariachi loco

The first appearance of Dario Cueto wasn't episode one of Lucha Underground. It wasn't even some pre-debut hype vignette. No, El Jefe waltzed into Triplemanía XXII, AAA's biggest show of 2014, and announced that he was bringing five of their stars with him to the United States. Although he was talking about Pentagón Jr., Fénix, Sexy Star, Drago and Blue Démon Jr., many more AAA stars wound up competing in the Temple throughout the season.

Even though most of Lucha Underground's roster has ties of one sort or another to AAA, the relationship between the two is unclear. Is LU a subsidiary offshoot of AAA? Are they functionally independent promotions with a talent-sharing arrangement? Either way, we need to see more of AAA, and the rich history it can bring to Lucha Underground. Texano showing up to attack Alberto was a good start, but if these characters are supposed to exist in the same world outside the Temple, we should get some sense of that.


Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.